Keurig K-Select Common Problems: How to troubleshoot any issue?

There are some potential issues that can occur with Keurig K-Select coffee machine. It is one of the most popular coffee machines in the market with its sleek design and intuitive software. We write this troubleshooting tips to help you fix all common problems about the Keurig K-Select.

Common Problems

Keurig K-Select Not Powering On

Keurig K-Select users are reporting that their coffee machines not powering on. This is likely due to a problem with the power cord, and should be fixed as soon as possible. If you have this issue, please contact Keurig customer service to resolve it.

While this is the most basic function, customer care at Keurig seemed to be aware of customers struggling to turn their machine on. Fortunately, the problem with Keurig not turning on is usually down to user mistakes.

Keurig coffee makers are some of the most popular coffee makers in the United States with some stats showing that roughly 1 in 4 US households owns a Keurig. What’s not to like? They’re quick, they’re convenient, and allow you to enjoy a very wide variety of beverages.

Keurig K-Select Not Working

Check these things to fix Keurig K Select Not Working!

  • First, check to make sure that the coffee maker is plugged in and that the power cord is not damaged.
  • Next, check to see if the water reservoir is empty. If it is, refill it and try again.
  • If the coffee maker still does not work, try descaling it. Descaling is a process of removing built-up minerals from the coffee maker. You can descale your Keurig K-Select by following the instructions in the user manual.
  • If the coffee maker still does not work after descaling, you may need to contact Keurig customer service for further assistance.

Keurig K-Select Not Brewing

You can do to try and fix the Keurig K-Select Not Brewing issue by the following steps.

Check to make sure that the water reservoir is full and that the machine is plugged in.

If the water reservoir is empty, fill it up and try again. If the machine is not plugged in, plug it in and try again.

If the machine is still not brewing, try descaling it.

Descaling is a process of cleaning the machine and removing any built up calcium or other deposits. You can descale your Keurig K-Select by following the instructions in the manual or by using a descaling solution.

Keurig K-Select

Keurig K-Select Not Pumping Water

We can solve Keurig K-Select Not Pumping Water by doing the following things.

  1. First, make sure that the water reservoir is filled to the proper level and that the coffee maker is plugged into a working outlet.
  2. If the coffee maker still will not pump water, try resetting it by unplugging it for 30 seconds and then plugging it back in.
  3. If the coffee maker still does not work, you may need to contact Keurig customer service for further assistance.

Keurig K-Select Not Dispensing Water

Dob’t worry, if your Keurig K Select is not dispensing water, here is the solution.

  • Check to make sure that the water reservoir is full. If it is, then you may need to descale your Keurig. Descaling is a process of removing built-up minerals from your Keurig, and you can do this by following the instructions in your Keurig’s manual.
  • If your Keurig is still not dispensing water after you’ve descaled it, then you may need to replace the water pump.

Keurig K-Select Not Heating Water

Once your Keurig K-Select coffee maker is not heating water, try the solutions here.

  • First, check to make sure that the water reservoir is full. If it is, then empty it and refill it with fresh water.
  • Next, check to see if the coffee maker is plugged in properly. If it is, then unplug it and plug it back in.
  • Finally, if none of these solutions work, you may need to call customer service for assistance.

Keurig K-Select Light Flashing But Not Brewing

First, make sure that the water reservoir is full and properly seated.

If the water reservoir is empty or not seated properly, the coffee maker will not brew.

Next, check to see if the coffee maker is plugged in properly.

If the coffee maker is not plugged in, the light will flash but the coffee maker will not brew. If the coffee maker is plugged in and the water reservoir is full, the next thing to check is the coffee filter. Make sure that the coffee filter is clean and free of any coffee grounds. If the coffee filter is dirty or clogged, the coffee maker will not brew.

Finally, if the coffee maker is still not brewing, you may need to descale it.

Descaling is a process of removing built-up calcium and other minerals from the coffee maker. You can descale your coffee maker by using a descaling solution or by running a vinegar solution through the coffee maker.

Keurig K-Select Descale Light Stays On

The descale light stays on means it’s time to descale your machine. Descaling is an important part of Keurig machine maintenance, and helps to remove mineral buildup that can affect machine performance. To descale your Keurig K Select coffee maker, follow these simple steps:

  1. Empty the water reservoir and remove any K-Cups or other coffee pods from the machine.
  2. Fill the reservoir with the descaling solution, and then place a mug on the drip tray.
  3. Press the “Brew” button, and let the solution run through the machine.
  4. Once the brew cycle is complete, empty the drip tray and reservoir.
  5. Fill the reservoir with fresh water, and then run the brew cycle again. This will help to rinse away any residual descaling solution.
  6. Empty the drip tray and reservoir again, and your Keurig K-Select coffee maker is now ready for use.

Keurig K-Select

Keurig K-Select Leaks Water While Preheating

Here are the solutions for Keurig K-Select Leaks Water While Preheating.

  • First, check the water reservoir to make sure it is full. If it is, then empty it and clean it out.
  • Next, check the water line to make sure it is not clogged. If it is, then clean it out.
  • Finally, check the seals on the water reservoir and the water line to make sure they are not damaged. If they are, then replace them.

Keurig K-Select Leaking Water From the Bottom

If your Keurig K Select is leaking water from the bottom, check to make sure that the water reservoir is properly seated and that there are no cracks or damage to it.

  • If the reservoir is okay, then check the seals around the water lines to make sure they’re not damaged or cracked.
  • If you can’t find the source of the leak, you may need to replace the entire water reservoir.

Keurig K-Select Says Add Water But It Is Full

There are 2 possible causes for Keurig K Select coffee maker says “Add Water” but the water reservoir is full:

  1. The water reservoir is not properly seated on the coffee maker.
  2. The water filter needs to be replaced.

To fix the first problem, simply remove the water reservoir and make sure that it is properly seated on the coffee maker. You may need to wiggle it a bit to get it into the correct position.

If the reservoir is properly seated and the error message persists, then the second problem is likely the culprit. To fix the second problem, simply replace the water filter. This is a very easy process and you can find the replacement filters at most major retailers.

Once you’ve replaced the water filter, your Keurig K-Select should work properly and the “Add Water” error message should no longer appear.

Keurig K-Select Tastes Burnt or Bitter

There are a few reasons for Keurig coffee tastes burnt or bitter, check the list here.

  • Check to see if your coffee machine needs to be descaled. This is something that should be done every few months, and it’s easy to do at home.
  • Make sure you’re using filtered water in your Keurig, and if the taste of your coffee is still off, try using bottled water instead.
  • Make sure you’re using fresh, high-quality coffee beans and grinding them yourself just before brewing. If you’re still not happy with the taste of your coffee, it might be time to switch to a different brand.

Keurig K-Select

The End

In conclusion, Keurig K-Select owners should be familiar with the common problems that can occur and how to troubleshoot them. By following these tips, Keurig K Select owners can maintain their coffee machines in good condition and improve their quality of service.